Related Indexed : www.publiklampung.com Lecture Indexed : www.ariesetyaputra.com WHAT A MEANING OF PATENT, AND EXAMPLE OF PRODUCT SAMSUNG MOBILE ALVINA DAMAYANTI 155100004 Fakultas Komputer, 4487571-74 Alvinadamayanti.student@umitra.ac.id Abstract Patents are special rights granted by the State to the inventor for the results of their achievements or discoveries in the field of technology, for a certain period of time implementing their own findings or describing their approval to others to implement them. This right is regulated in Article 1 Paragraph 1 of the Law concerning PATENT. All about Patents, Patents cannot be separated from something, that is Inventor. The definition of Inventor itself is a person or more who jointly implements ideas that are poured into activities that produce inventions (findings). Regarding Patents, this time will discuss the patent of a product, SAMSUNG. SAMSUNG is one of the largest electronics companies in the worl...